What social distancing measures will be in place when students and staff return?

There are different social distancing procedures in place depending on the location in and around the building. 

Social Distancing Entering and Exiting the Building

  • Students should come off the bus in a line, 6 feet apart.
  • Students should line up outside 6 feet apart (consider placing tape or chalk marks on the sidewalk to help students line-up).
  • No parents or guardians should be allowed near the front of the school. Parents should stay in their cars or more than 6 feet away from all students and staff when dropping off students.
  • Parents and visitors are limited in their entry unless essential. 
  • School staff will maintain a log of any parent/visitor that enters the building.
  • Anyone entering the school must wear a facial covering.

Social Distancing Within the Building

  • Student desks/tables/learning spaces must be placed six feet apart.
  • Masks must be worn throughout the day.
  • Halls may be marked one way, if helpful.
  • Students should try to maintain social distance when passing in hallways.
  • Furniture may be moved to create barriers and encourage social distancing.
  • Students should not be sent to the same bathroom at the same time. While two students may be in a bathroom at the same time, one child is ideal. 
  • A school-specific plan should be designed to maintain social distancing and avoid co-mingling of students and staff throughout the school and grounds. Details should include how learning spaces, cafeteria, bathrooms, gymnasiums, staff workrooms, conference rooms etc. will be re-configured and what steps were taken to encourage and enforce social distancing (e.g. signage, floor marking, monitoring, etc.)

Social Distancing Outside the Building

  • A frequent movement break plan should be in place which includes planning for recess at the appropriate grade levels. 
  • Students should wear a face covering during recess/time outside.
  • Consider assigning a jump rope and playground ball to each student, labeled with their name.
  • Students should have recess/outside break time in full-day programs when weather allows.
  • A specific recess plan should be created to encourage children to be 6 feet apart.
  • Playground use is restricted to one cohort at a time with children and staff maintaining 6 feet apart and limiting shared use of items when possible. 
  • Students should wash hands or use sanitizer before going out to recess and after returning to the classroom.