How do I apply for a Leave of Absence? When should I apply for FMLA leave? Is FMLA leave paid or unpaid? Do I need a doctor’s note to return to work? What are my options if I am not eligible for FMLA? What happens if I use all of my available sick leave while on FMLA, but need more time due to my illness? Does FMLA have to be taken all at once, or can it be taken intermittently? Does FMLA include military leave? What if I have exhausted my FMLA eligibility but am still sick? What if I have exhausted my FMLA eligibility but the family member I am caring for is still sick? What if I have exhausted my FMLA eligibility but my military leave requires that I still be out? If I’m out on Workers’ Compensation leave, why do I have to use my FMLA time? Am I eligible for Sick Bank? How can I apply for Sick Bank? I have been approved for a leave of absence. Where can I find additional information about being on a leave of absence?