Are pregnant staff required to return to buildings?

 No. Pregnant staff will have the option of continuing to teach or work virtually. Pregnant staff members are encouraged to discuss individual circumstances with their health care provider, and should request that they complete the ADA accommodation medical questionnaire. 
Staff should also complete the return to workplace commitment form (staff login required) by Friday, February 5 to inform HCPSS of their plans.

What HVAC measures have been taken to provide maximum air filtration and ventilation in school buildings?

In accordance with the recommendations of the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the decision was made by the HCPSS Division of Operations in May 2020 to provide MERV 13 air filters in HVAC units wherever possible and to maximize outdoor air ventilation by verifying proper operation of outdoor air dampers, airside economizers, and exhaust fans. 

What are the requirements for students and staff to wear masks in school buildings?

Face masks in HCPSS buildings and/or on school buses are voluntary. Health experts continue to recommend consistent use of well-fitting face masks to reduce the risk of spreading the virus that causes COVID-19. A limited supply of masks are available in HCPSS schools and offices.

Please note, anyone who visits a school health room and presents COVID-19 symptoms will be required to wear a face mask.

What are the options for staff who can’t return in-person due to health issues?

The Office of Human Resources is facilitating a staff commitment form to determine which individuals will return in-person, plan to retire or resign, or are unable to return to buildings due to various health-related reasons. 

Health-related reasons depend on the specifics of the health issue, and whether it is the staff member’s own issue or that of a family member.  After staff complete their commitment form, they will be contacted by a Human Resources staff member to discuss their individual case.

What contact tracing and quarantine procedures will be implemented if a staff member is a close contact or infected with COVID-19?

A staff member determined to be a close contact with a person with verified COVID-19 must quarantine for 14 days, with the possibility of release at 10 days under certain circumstances. Staff in quarantine must be out of school for the 10-day minimum regardless of a negative test result, while students must remain out of school for a full 14 day quarantine.