What measures are being taken to protect staff who often work in close proximity to one another?

Plexiglass dividers have been installed in areas of schools and offices where staff members work in close proximity to each other, and desks were rearranged as needed to ensure social distancing. Custodial staff will clean and disinfect high traffic areas and restrooms frequently used during the day.

If I select the retirement preference on the return to workplace commitment form, am I obligated to begin my paperwork immediately?

Staff who are planning to retire are encouraged to begin the appropriate paperwork as soon as possible. The Office of Human Resources will work to process paperwork as quickly and efficiently as possible. If paperwork is not received in a timely manner, HCPSS cannot guarantee your retirement will be processed in time to retire March 1.

If staff experience commonly reported side effects from the vaccine, are they expected to quarantine? How long after the symptoms subside can staff return to work in person?

Staff do not need to quarantine if they are experiencing side effect symptoms from either dose. (See below for side effects for each vaccine). As always, if a staff member has a fever they must stay home until fever free without the use of medication and feeling better.  

Please note: If the staff member has had an exposure to a person with COVID-19 or someone with COVID-like illness, the staff member should quarantine. In addition, if the symptoms are different than what is listed below, the staff member should contact their health care provider.