Will HCPSS publicly share the number of, or the staff in each building who are unvaccinated?

HCPSS will not share building-level data, nor will HCPSS disclose any employee names and vaccination status other than with supervisors and central office administrators who may require access to view reports to determine the testing schedule.
All data collected will be maintained on a the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) compliant platform via PinPoint and not on any other HCPSS database of record.

What contact tracing and quarantine procedures will be implemented if a student or staff member is a close contact or infected with COVID-19?

Update: Jan. 9, 2022

HCPSS recently made adjustments to its contact tracing process to ensure we are meeting legal requirements to provide accurate and timely data to the health department while supporting our students and staff who test positive. HCPSS will continue the current processes for students who test positive by sending names and addresses to the Howard County Health Department, making personal contacts with families of students with COVID, and gathering information about cohorts where there are multiple cases of positive students.