Do employees need to use leave for required COVID-19 testing or vaccinations?

Staff will not receive coverage for their classroom or job responsibilities in order to be tested or vaccinated, so they must do so at times that have no impact on their professional job responsibilities. Depending on their respective negotiated agreement, staff may choose to take leave in blocks as short as 30 or 60 minutes to be tested or vaccinated, as long as that leave doesn’t require substitute coverage.

Will HCPSS guarantee my anonymity as an unvaccinated staff member?

HCPSS will not disclose any employee names and vaccination status other than with supervisors and central office administrators who may require access to view reports to determine the testing schedule.
All data collected will be maintained on a the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) compliant platform via PinPoint and not on any other HCPSS database of record.